Sunday 1 June 2014


Place your order and purchase your products online, remember its free delivery at any address. Click here:, select the product, and currency on "Shop Now" 

Viber: +27 8283 70252


Dear Customer,

My name is Patson Dumisani Molefe, in South Africa. I am a Business Owner of Health and Beauty Products manufactured from an Aloe that is grown naturally, without Herbicides and Pesticides, which is a reason why all Forever Living Products has "no side effects and no over-dose"  to all people using the products, and only positive results achieved.

If you want to stay Active and Healthy: please don't look any further because you have found the correct Natural products that will help you in many ways.

As I mentioned that I am a Business Owner, I got a range of products that you can order direct from my online retail link:, by clicking on Shop Now button, select our country and place your order, which will be delivered right at your doorstep free.  
  1. Nutrition 
  2. Forever Aloe Vera Drinks
  3. Bee Products
  4. Personal Care
  5. Sonya Skin Care                               
  6. Skin Care - Body and Facial
  7. Weight Management
  8. Combo Packs
  9. Sonya Cosmetics
And remember, all these products can be viewed at the same link mentioned, and you can see them while placing your order.

 "It's not like buying a pig in a sack".

So place your order now and start giving your body pure natural products that will help your whole system from head to toe function properly, in a natural way that was meant to be; 
Click here:, Shop button, select your Country, continue with Checkout button, select Payment method and you done, its easy as a,b,c,!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can contact me on Whatsapp / Viber: +27828370252

## Have you been looking for a toothpaste suitable for the whole family? Forever Bright is a gentle, non-fluoride         formula combining 100% stabilized aloe vera gel with bee propolis. Natural peppermint and spearmint                   flavorings leave your mouth feeling fresh and clean !!!!!

I would then like to Thank you in advance for your support, and looking forward in being your trusted Distributor of natural and unique products.

Thanks, call again.

Forever Living Products' range of products has a universal appeal.  Everyone can benefit from them.  The products MAINTAIN current health and body functions; they PROVIDE nutrients which have been found to PROMOTE and SUPPORT healthy nutritional levels.
Please note:  We do not state that Forever Living Products will cure any medical condition!!  Also note that the statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA.  The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases, even though you might be aware of such successful usage.  You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem.

Place your order here:, and go to "Shop Now" button

Gastritis, Colitis, Ulcer:

Gastritis is the swelling and irritation of the stomach membranes and Colitis is the swelling of the colon membranes.  An ulcer is the irritation of the stomach wall.  A Gastric Ulcer is a wound in the stomach walls or in the small intestine.
-    Dyspepsia (bad digestion)
-    Vomiting
-    Headaches
-    Burning sensation and discomfort
-    Severe ulcers may result in acidic vomiting or bleeding can occur.  The excrement may be black in colour from blood in it.
-    Excess alcohol and coffee
-    Fried and spicy foods
-    Excessive stress
-    When gastritis persists, it causes gastric ulcers
Suggested Treatment
-    Eliminate spices, hot peppers (chili), alcohol, coffee, fried and other irritating dishes as well as aspirin.
-    Eat milk, cream, cheese, oatmeal and bananas.
-    Eat bland foods such as boiled eggs, potatoes, pasta soups and crackers.
-    Ingest Aloe Vera Gel (juice)
-    Take Vitamins A & E, B6 & B12
-    Eat lots of fiber, oat bran, etc. 
-    Ingest Licorice (proven to be very effective in the treatment of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers).

1. Pure Aloe Vera Gel (juice):.  90 - 180ml mixed with at least 2 litres of water during         the day.  Anti-inflammatory, pain inhibitor, anti-biotic, cell regenerator, digestive,           alkaline, fiber.
2. Lycium Plus Tablets:.  (If suffering from high blood pressure, consult a physician).  3         capsules daily, 1 with each meal.  Prevents the formation of stomach and duodenal           ulcers.  Very effective.
3. Bee Propolis Tablets and Garlic & Thyme Softgels:.  4 daily of each, 1 with each             meal.  Natural anti-biotic, kills bacteria and viruses.  Strengthens the immune system.
4. A-Beta-CarE Softgels:.  2 daily, 1 with each meal.  Powerful anti-oxidant, helps resist       infections, repairs and maintains body tissue.
5. Fields of Green Tablets:.  3 tablets a day, 1 with each meal.  Contains Alfalfa and            extracts from fresh farm produce.  Has a high alkaline and fiber content.  Nutritious and    high pH, neutralises acidity.

Place your order here: and get healthy

Product delivered at your address with no extra cost


Arthritis occurs as a pain or inflammation and/or a wearing away of joints.  Osteoarthritis is a deformation produced when the cartilage between the bones wears away, causing the bones to rub up against each other.  Rheumatoid Arthritis extends to the whole body, in flames cartilage and synovial membrane, where the bones join.  This causes a loss of synovial fluid (oily liquid that serves to lubricate and protect against friction).  This illness requires medical attention.
-    Inflammation and pain in joints, usually beginning in the hands or feet but can also occur in the spinal column or in other areas. 
-    Humid climate and cold weather increases the pain. 
-    Experience difficulty in moving and can cause deformation in the affected area. 
-    Becomes progressively worse over time.
Suggested Treatment
1.      Eliminate red meats, alcohol, cigarettes and other toxic elements. 
2.    Keep clear of flour, sugar, whole milk, potatoes and black pepper.
3.    Avoid butter and fried foods.
4.    Follow a vegetarian diet.
5.    Consume Omega 3 for the EPA content.
6.    Consume Aloe Vera Gel (juice) mixed with Cranberries.  Cranberries have high bioflavonoid content.
7.    Consume Aloe Vera Gel (juice) mixed with Glucosamine Sulphate, Chondroitin Sulphate and MSM.  Glucosomine and Chondroitin maintain healthy joint function keeping it hydrated.  They also help support the lubricating fluid within the joint at the necessary viscosity to allow one surface to glide freely over another.  MSM provides bio-available sulfur to maintain connective tissues and joint function.
8.    Garlic & Selenium
9.    Vitamin A & E

1. Arctic Sea Softgels:.  6 daily, 2 taken with each meal.  Contains high levels of EPA.         Blocks the process whereby aracidonic acid is converted into inflammatory                       prostaglandins.  Controls pain and inflammation.
2. Aloe Berry Nectar:.  120 - 180ml daily, 60ml with each meal.  The aloe inhibits pain         and the cranberries act as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidising agents.
3. Forever Freedom:.  120 - 180ml daily, 60ml with each meal.  Contains Glucosamine           Sulphate, Chondroitin Sulphate and MSM.  Maintains healthy joint function and the aloe       inhibits pain.
4. Lycium Plus Tablets:.  2 to 3 tablets daily, 1 with each meal.  Anti-inflammatory,             stimulates the formation of antibodies.  Defends the immune system and assits with           collagen.
5. Aloe Heat Lotion:.  Rubbing it into sore area eases inflammation and pain, stimulating       blood flow.
6. A-Beta-CarE Softgels:.  2 daily, 1 with each meal.  Powerful anti-oxidant, helps resist       infections, repairs and maintains body tissue.
7. Garlic & Thyme Softgels:.  3 capsules a day, 1 with each meal.  Very strong anti-             inflammatory.

Sexuality - Frigidity, Impotence, Sterility:

Frigidity and Impotency is the inability to feel pleasure and not being able to reach an orgasm during sexual relations.  Sterility is the inability to have any children.
-    Psychological problems
-    Trauma
-    Marital problems
-    Stress
Suggested Treatment
-    Take Ginseng, royal jelly and bee pollen
-    Take Vitamin E and a multi-mineral supplement

1. Gin-Chia Tablets:.  3 daily, 1 with each meal.  Great energiser, prevents stress and           assists with hormones.
2. Royal Jelly Tablets:.  3 - 6 daily, 2 20 minutes before each meal.  Contains B-complex,     great energiser.
3. Bee Pollen Tablets:.  3 - 6 daily, 2 with every meal.  Multi-vitamin and energiser.
4. A-Beat-CarE Softgels:.  2 daily, 1 with each meal.  Assists with sperm production.


Use this website link:, and go to "Shop Now" button to place your order. Remember, deliveries are Free worldwide, at your specified address.


Below link will take you to various illness and recommended products for treatment, click on it and see how you need to be helped:

Place your order online:, then select your country and currency, and click the combination of the products you purchase as per above link.

My email: or


Acne / Pimples / Skin Infections - Testimony

My one point solution - Aloe Vera Gelly

I am 70 years old and I reside in Mumbai. I was suffering from skin disease/disorder in my legs like itchy, thickened and darkened scaly skin irritation and susceptible to a variety of problems since the last 2 years.

I tried so many allopathic and homeopathic ointments and even ayurvedic medicines but the problem still persisted and at one point of time, I thought that at this age my problem may not be cured and I will have to live with all the discomfort.

Then I came across FLP Aloe Vera Gel for internal consumption, Aloe Vera Gelly and Aloe Liquid soap for topical application recommended to me.

In about 4 months of using the products, most of my skin problems disappeared though I am still continuing with all the above mentioned products. Now I am fine and totally satisfied with the magic that the products have done on me.

I am so excited about the products that I am now recommending it to everyone. It is a boon to mankind, a gift from God!

Thank You FLP! Lots and Lots!

Original article re-produced below:

Baby Joshua Aloe Propolis creme testimony

"I have to say, that the results were seen almost instantly!"

I have to admit, at first I had little faith in any of the aloe products as I am medically trained and I find it difficult to see anything outside the box. But when my son was born on the 31 May 2010, he had the most beautiful skin and I was devastated when he developed what is known by health visitors as 'baby acne'.

He began developing spots, blemishes, red patches and skin acnes that looked angry and sore. I was so upset as I was taking Joshua to meet friends and relatives and his skin was awful. I told my father who suggested I use Aloe Propolis Creme as often as I thought was needed.

I applied the cream after washing Joshua's skin in the morning and night. I then started using it throughout the day. I have to say, that the results were seen almost instantly. His skin was smoother, the cream seemed to produce a protective film over his face and I was astonished.

After using the product three times a day for about 10 days, the results were amazing and I now use it daily.
Joshua's skin is now picture perfect!

I will be continuing to use the cream in the future in unison with the Aloe Vera Gelly for any sore acne or skin infections Joshua or I have, as well as on my stretch marks.

Original article re-produced below:

Get yourself the Miracle Products that helps you naturally. Place your order here:, go to Shop Now, select your country and currency. remember, all purchased products delivered at any address with no extra charges.


You may already know about some of the many benefits of Aloe Vera when applied to your skin. But did you know that Aloe Vera Gel can cleanse the body, reduce fatigue, increase overall energy and improve your health when taken internally? The results are no short of a miracle. However, you cannot find this product at a health store.

Aloe Vera is a type of plant, with fleshy toothed leaves and red or yellow colored flowers. This plant requires sub-tropical and drier areas for its growth and hence it is considered to be a native of South Africa – one of the best suited climates for its growth.

There are about 300 different varieties of Aloe Vera out of which only 5 are known to have medicinal properties and benefits. The 5 varieties are Aloe Barbedensis Miller, Aloe Perryi Baker, Aloe Ferox, Aloe Arborescens and Aloe Saponaria. Out of them, we use only “Aloe Barbedensis Miller” - the most nutritionally potent of all the Aloe Vera varieties

For many centuries, Aloe Vera has been used for restoring and maintaining good health by countless civilization around the world. Taken as a drink, Aloe Vera is better described as a liquid power food.

Containing over 75 different nutrients, 19 of the 20 amino acids required by the human body and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids (that the body cannot make), as well as vitamins and minerals, Aloe works with your "inner doctor," your immune system, to replenish the nutrients required for optimal health. Drink anyone of our Forever Aloe Drinks on a daily basis to help healthy digestion and better absorption of nutrients and to add vitamins, minerals and amino acids (the building blocks of protein) to your diet.

At Forever Living Products, our aloe is taken straight from our plantation direct to your table in patented Stabilization process - a process we are so confident in, that we can honestly say experiencing our 100% aloe drinks is as close as squeezing the gel out of an aloe leaf yourself!

Good health and peace of mind made pure and simple.

Believe me you are in a right place, check my website for a business link and if you wish to support me by buying these unique products out of Aloe Barbedensis Miller. Buy it online, no need to go around looking for it from local shops. Click on my website and go to my retail shop at, and go to "Shop Now" to purchase what ever product you need for good health

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