Wednesday 13 August 2014


Brothers and sisters, please support me, place your order and purchase your products online, remember its free delivery at any address. Click here:, select the product, and currency on "Shop Now" . Pleaseeee

Testimony - 1

Eczema / Dermatitis / Inflammation of Epidermis

As of right now, things are better. The achievement that seems no longer in doubt is that for weeks now, we have'nt had any more wet or so called "weeping" eczema. As of this September, we've been using Liquid Aloe Soap on him, then spraying "Aloe first" and rubbing Aloe Propolis Cream into his skin. For a little while, we managed to get him to drink Aloe Juice...but it wasn't easy, believe me.

We have him on a strict diet, not giving him any milk, bread, sweets, red apples or other sweet fruits. There is'nt actually much poor little Thomas can eat under the diet program we have him on. We are definitely glad that we have been able to include Aloe Vera in our" arsenal" of tools or weapons with which to fights Thomas's Eczema. There is no doubt we have gained ground.

(Place your order today by clicking here:, go to Shop Now, select your country and currency and select products you wish to buy. All products purchased are delivered free at any address. Try it, I promise you won't regret your decision, and I promise you will recommend products to all people you know)

click here to: to place you order
Email me here: for more clarity


Forever Aloe Gel works...

My name is Akaram Y. Patil. I am 59 years old. I am the trustee of Sharda Ashram Vidyamandir (Dadar)

I have been suffering from acute diabetes from the year 1984. My sugar level varied from 400 to 465 and I was on insulin twice a day 20 units morning and 20 units evening.

Recently when I visited my neighbor and friend Mr. Bhambhani in his office at Dadar and Met Mr. Thomas, both of them convinced me to try Aloe Vera Gel as it was good for diabetes.

Skeptically, I started consuming Aloe Gel, from early October 2003. On 15th October 2003, I tested my blood sugar levels (Lab Report below)

Again on 14th November I went for one more test (Report attached) Now I have reduced my intake of insulin and find considerable improvement.


Please try it. Go to my retail shop on my website or email me here: and get your FLP ALOE VERA GEL now.

Testimony - 1

Irregular Menstrual Cycle Testimony

Within a month I saw improvements

I was leading a fairly healthy life when suddenly I started facing severe problems in my menstrual cycle. Initially, my gynaecologist prescribed some medicines but with no positive results and the problem persisting, she suggested a series of tests.

Since the test results were normal and there appeared no visible cause for my problems, she suggested hysterectomy to be on the safer side. I did not want to go through this surgery and started looking for alternative means.

At this point my friend recommended some Forever Products to me. I also consulted a Doctor through a friend as I knew that he was already using and suggesting FLP products. The doctor suggested that I start taking Aloe Berry nectar and Pomesteen Power and within one month I saw improvements in my condition.

Today, my cycle is almost back to normal and I thank Forever Living Products for helping me regain my health and well-being.

What are you waiting for???? Go to my retail shop on my website and get yours, NOW!!!
Feel free to drop me a massage on my email: for more clarity

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